Redefining Quality Precision
in Power Transmission Technologies

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Over 35 Years of Manufacturing

With more than 35 years of Engineering, Development, and Manufacturing power transmission, PIX is now a leading global player.

Extensive Range of Power Transmission Belts

The most extensive range of belts in our industry. Our range extends over 75,000 individual product sizes. Satisfying tens of thousands of applications in both OEM and replacement markets.

Focused Specialization

Our focus hasn't shifted in over 35 years of manufacturing. We started in the power transmission industry and we remain dedicated to further developing the highest quality products to meet the ever advancing worldwide needs for power transmission.

Unmatched Precision

Our Ribbing precision has been umatched. The consistency and precision quality in our transmission belts have received appreciation not just from our clients but also from our competition.


We have a state of the art Engineering laboratory and products testing facility. Our commitments to highest quality starts with investments in our engineering and product development. This commitment sets us apart from many power transmission manufacturers and provides PIX an engineer driven advantage.

Ready to redefine your power transmission?